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Let's Journal
"Through the Valley"

(re-printed multiple times)

with its author, Dr William Wan

Violet Lee and Ai-Lin Lim

Dr William Wan will be sharing insights from his wealth of experience on Living and Leaving Well.


Session 1    Living Positively & Purposefully

Session 2   Leaving without Regrets & Remorse



There will be a Q & A time after Dr Wan's 30-minute talk, followed by a time of self-reflection.


Each participant will receive:

- Dr Wan's autographed book, "Through the Valley: The Art of Living and Leaving Well"

- a blank journal book

- a set of 24 brush markers

- pens for journaling

- a stack of beautiful papers for decorating the journal



Why Journal?


Journaling improves mindfulness and helps you explore your anxieties and worries and work them out. So, let’s start a habit by journaling the beautiful phrases that have touched your hearts.



To be advised


Introductory Price

$188 for 2 sessions


If interested: WhatsApp 9799 7276


  • The InnerSpace
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